Thursday, June 23, 2016

Creamy Lowfat Avocado Dressing

Romaine salad mix, egg, ham, cheese, and avocado dressing 
I have a confession to make. I love ranch dressing. I put it on everything: salads, sandwiches, hamburgers and hot dogs, mac n cheese, name it, I've probably tried it with ranch. But right now I'm trying to drop a few pounds before an event next week, so I'm doing a Salad A Day challenge as well as cutting out bread and sweets and drinking a lot of water. Let me tell you, it's difficult to do while on the road! So I decided to come up with a lowfat dressing for my daily salad, so that the ranch doesn't undo all the work I'm doing. Here's the delicious result!

1 ripe avocado
1/2 cup lowfat sour cream
2 Tbsp olive oil
1/4 cup 1% milk
A few leaves cilantro, finely chopped
1 garlic clove or garlic powder to taste
Seasonings as desired

Thoroughly mash the avocado. Mix all ingredients together, using a food processor or blender if available; if not, whip as well as possible. Use more milk or water to thin dressing if necessary. Serve with salad or wraps and enjoy!

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